

Moonlit Mystic offers a variety of services. Please review the services available and email if you are interested in booking!


Services - #1
Private Readings
Book a tarot or psychic reading in a private room at Moonlit Mystic's Magic Realm.
Services - #2
Private Soul Retrieval Ceremony - $100
Soul retrieval is a ceremony practiced in various traditions that aims to bring back fragmented pieces of a person's soul believed to have been lost due to trauma, illness, or other challenging experiences.
Services - #3
Private Cord Cutting Ritual - $100
This ritual is designed to help you sever unhealthy energetic ties that may be draining your energy or hindering your progress. These cords can be attached to people, places, or even past situations. By releasing them, you create space for positive growth and move forward with renewed clarity.
Services - #4
Private Crystal Aura Cleansing $55
A private crystal aura cleansing is a personalized session for clearing and rebalancing your energy field using crystals. Based on your needs and intentions, we will select specific crystals known for their cleansing and protective properties.
Services - #5
Generational Healing Ceremony - $160
A private generational healing ceremony is a ritual designed to address and potentially heal unresolved issues or patterns that may be carried down through your family lineage. These patterns can manifest as emotional blocks, recurring negative experiences, or even physical ailments believed to be influenced by ancestral history. You may include up to 5 family members.


Moonlit Mystic offers a variety of services. Please email if you are interested in booking!